OSCAR YOLUNDA EN İYİ BEŞ FİLM on January 11, 2022 #Çöl Gezegeni #Dune #Licorice Pizza #Matrix #Son Düello #Tanrının Eli #The Hand of God #The Last Duel #The Power of the Dog Denis Villeneuve Paolo Sorrentino Paul Thomas Anderson Ridley Scott +
DUNE - ÇÖL GEZEGENİ, SEKİZBİN YIL SONRAKİ FEODALİZMİ ANLATIYOR on November 03, 2021 Atreides Baharat Çöl Gezegeni Denis Villeneuve Distopik Feodalizm DUNE Dune 2021 Frank Herbert Melanj Timothy Chalamet +